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Siy+Marley新作 不被定义的美

发布时间:2022-12-22 浏览次数:

Siy+Marley新作 不被定义的美(图1)Sissy+Marley是一间总部坐落于纽约的室内设计公司,由Chelsea Reale和Rachel Geisler两姊妹和她的母亲Diana Rice联合设立于2011年。她通过设计的逐渐课堂教学再次定义了现代式的生活方式,长期以来,工作室始终致力于儿童空间和住宅领域的室内设计。

Sissy Marley is a New York City-based interior design firm founded in 2011 by sisters Chelsea Reale and Rachel Geisler and their mother Diana Rice. They redefine the modern lifestyle through their continuous practice of design. The studio has long been dedicated to the interior design of childrens Spaces and residential areas.

Siy+Marley新作 不被定义的美(图2)

The Chatsworth


The Chatsworth是一间具有极简主义风格的住宅,推门而入是两条被自然光所点亮的长廊,长形的空间结构在视觉上有著一定的延展感和空间感。室内雕塑般装饰和配件呈现出多样的肌理和认知层级,使简洁、朴素的家具有了耐人寻味的细节和亮点。

The Chatsworth is a minimalist house with a long corridor illuminated by natural light. The long space structure has a sense of visual extension and space. The sculptural interior decoration and accessories present rich texture and perceptual levels, making the simple and modest home with intriguing details and highlights.

432 Park Avenue


这是Sissy+ Marley为一种三口圣童设计的私人公寓,门廊大窗展现出的城市景观形成了Chrysler建筑的主要框架,使其从周遭为数众多的建筑中脱颖而出。材料的不同纹理在住宅中扮演着关键的角色,并搭配着白色的橡木地面和暖白色的亚麻织物,缔造了一种温暖且亲密无间的定居氛围。

Designed by Sissy+ Marley as a private apartment for a family of four, the cityscape with its large Windows forms the main frame of the Chrysler building, distinguishing it from the surrounding buildings. Different textures of materials play an important role in the house and are paired with white oak floors and warm white linen fabric to create a warm and intimate living atmosphere.

Manhasset House


Sissy+ Marley维持着对美好事物的爱好和崇尚,以独有的设计理念与工作方式对Manhasset住宅进行设计。使用白色作为空间的主色调,令住宅沦为两幅待人描写的白色画布,而每一件家具、每一种装饰配件都将沦为这幅画中不可或缺的关键部分。

Sissy+ Marley maintains the love and pursuit of beautiful things, and designs Manhasset House with unique design concepts and working methods. The use of white as the main color of the space makes the house become a white canvas to depict people, and every piece of furniture, every decorative accessory will become an indispensable part of the painting.

Charlton Street


Charlton Street住宅,空间虽小,但功能分区具有齐全而明确。建筑幕窗紧紧围绕着起居室、餐厅和客厅等公共空间而布置,以提供更多充裕的光线和眺望城市美景的视野。室内的家具、灯具和摆件的独有造型,在空间中除起著很好的装饰作用,同时多样了空间的视觉层级。

Charlton Street House, small space, but functional zoning is complete and clear. The Windows are arranged around the communal Spaces of the living room, dining room and living room to provide ample light and views over the city. The unique shape of furniture, lamps and ornaments in the interior not only plays a good embellishment role in the space, but also enriches the visual level of the space.






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